Each Tuesday and Thursday our staff and volunteers make sure all Guests receive new PPE, collect dirty laundry, or deliver fresh laundry. Our Mobile Pantry provides nonperishable foods, hygiene items and clothing needs. The Healthcare Team makes sure our guests get their medications, check temperatures, blood pressures, and dress wounds, etc. The team delivers warm prepared food prepared and/or donated by our community partners and volunteers.
Our already stretched resources are taking a beating. If you can help, we would be grateful.
Help Us, Help Them, Help Themselves
One Ministry Serving Multiple Locations
Matthew's Hope fosters the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of the homeless men, women, and children of our community by meeting basic needs, developing skills, and restoring dignity and independence.
Please consider a one-time gift or become an on-going
Community Partner with a monthly or quarterly donation

Who We Are
Matthew's Hope is a fully independent, faith-based, 501(c)3 non-profit homeless outreach,
funded and supported by our community. The Volunteers, Community Partners, and staff members of Matthew’s Hope Ministries help connect guests with various resources, and services of need and facilitate opportunities for those desiring to move forward toward a life of independence and self-sustainability.
The ministry believes in offering a hand up, not just a hand out.
Help Us, Help Them, Help Themselves!

Who is Served?
Matthew’s Hope serves the homeless men, women, and children of our community and welcomes all individuals, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, economic status, religious belief, disease/diagnosis, sexual orientation, or employment.
Homelessness is defined by the United States government as when a person “lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and if they sleep in a shelter designated for temporary living accommodations or in places not designated for human habitation.”

What We Do
The ministry does not take a traditional approach to serve needs within the community. Our overall goal is to create an organization that helps the homeless to grow emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically, and vocationally. Through relationship building and access to a wide range of services and education; we engender an environment where each guest, irrespective of ability, can cognitively and demonstratively achieve some semblance of growth and success for themselves.
Matthew's Hope is not an emergency shelter.
(14 transitional housing units are available to those who are willing to earn their way toward a life of independence and self-sustainability)
Matthew's Hope is not a soup kitchen.
(We have a Food Pantry and donated meals are served to all guests on outreach days).
We Need Your Support!

Our Community Partners